Some ideas about shields and nebulae

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Some ideas about shields and nebulae

Post by Malcius2 » Wed, 31. Jul 19, 03:37

Hi. I don't know if anyone still does scripting or modding for X2 but I have a couple of ideas and I have no clue about scripting, so could not do them myself.

I thought it might be interesting to be able to buy a shield that protects you against the nebulae but only counts as a 0MW or 1MW shield for combat purposes. Whereas vanilla x2 automatically sets you up with the most powerful shields in your hold, you might need some sort of option to select which shield(s) to use.

I also thought that a nebula detector might be a useful acquisition to help avoid flying through them and losing shields.

A third idea I had was for an emergency shield replacement device. When your shields reach a certain threshold, this can automatically replace them with fresh shields from your hold. Not quite sure whether shields deplete sequentially or simultaneously, but it could be a case of replacing each, one at a time, or replacing the whole lot in one go. While the shields are being replaced, there could be a moment of vulnerability. Replaced shields would either be destroyed or damaged. If damaged they can be repaired for a set percentage (10%, 20%, 25%, 50%?) of the nearest local purchase price at an equipment dock or shield factory (I think any shield factory should suffice but it might have to be of the specific type to be repaired.

If anyone reads this, please let me know what you think.


Kind regards,

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Re: Some ideas about shields and nebulae

Post by X2-Illuminatus » Fri, 2. Aug 19, 17:50

1.) I don' think you can mod shields to withstand nebulae damage. Selecting which shields get installed is possible with scripts (that the difference between adding and installing a shield). Whereby the interface possibilities aren't that great in X2.

2) Detecting nebulae is not possible via scripts. It may be possible to somewhat work around that by going through the sector object list (not sure whether nebulae are part of this) or by monitoring the shield threshold and the surroundings of your ship (no other ships attacking). Provided the former works you would still only be able to tell whether a nebula is within a sector or not, not where it's actual location is, and the latter would only work once you actually entered the nebula, when visible feedback is much clearer.

3) Switching shields, once a certain threshold is reached, is possible. Repairing shields is again only possible with ugly workarounds. Completely destroying shields (i.e. removing them from the cargo hold) might be a bit costly over time though.
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