The Graveyard Shift

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The Graveyard Shift

Post by Tsar_of_Cows » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 02:37

So, I was just wondering who here but myself is often around in the early hours, and why?

Myself, I often get insomnia, usually through stress or depression and I wind up surfing the web, often on these forums, coming tback to them through the night and seeing if there are any new posts.

Tonight my insomnia is due to a new job in the morning, so, here I am, nearly at 2:00am, sitting bolt upright and awake, totally unable to sleep for a good few hours, so I'm wasting away the time on my favorate forums and Wikipedia expanding my knowledge.

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Post by Avis » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 03:09

Working late (as I generally work from home) as I take a break I take a peek in here.

Fishing late (as I do a lot of evening / night fishing) when I get home I take a peek in here.


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Post by Syndrome » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 03:46

My love of writing keeps me up in the morning and I hang around the forums while I'm at it. It's not nearly as early as some though.

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Post by Apothos » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 04:41

I'm up because Sheridan just blew a large chunk of Z'ha'dum to kingdom come and the vibrations from the blast knocked some tiles off of my roof.

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Post by Usenko » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 04:50

(The irony is that I'm answering this at a perfectly reasonable 12:45 in the afternoon . . . Gotta love School Holidays!)

I'm just an evening person. I require minimal sleep, and whilst I'm never overly keen to wake up in the morning, a 7:00 start after a 2AM bedtime is never a problem for me.

My Dad is a lifelong morning person, and he always used to tell me thatI missed the best time of the day by sleeping late. I say you can keep it. I prefer the night - I love looking up at the stars, I love the quietness and solitude, and I love the fact that it's my time, not my boss's.

The fact that the kids are asleep and I can sometimes tiptoe in and just watch them is pretty cool too. That's something I guess you just can't understand until you're a parent; I say that because it caught me by surprise too! But watching your kids sleep is just such a special experience; partly because they look so completely at peace, partly because it gives you a chance to look at them and reflect on the miracle of kids, but mainly because they're asleep and not going "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? :D

P.S. I actually love being called Daddy, but about the seventeenth time it tends to lose its charm.
Morkonan wrote:What really happened isn't as exciting. Putin flexed his left thigh during his morning ride on a flying bear, right after beating fifty Judo blackbelts, which he does upon rising every morning. (Not that Putin sleeps, it's just that he doesn't want to make others feel inadequate.)

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Post by pjknibbs » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 07:43

I have been known to come downstairs and browse the web at 2am if I can't sleep, but that happens infrequently (thankfully). Given a choice I'd be a late to bed, late to rise man as well, but this little thing called "work" tends to get in the way of that!

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Post by Syndrome » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 08:14

Usenko wrote:(The irony is that I'm answering this at a perfectly reasonable 12:45 in the afternoon . . . Gotta love School Holidays!)
Methinks you're in my timezone. Probably either Melbourne, Sydney, Newcastle or somewhere along the east coast of oz. Myself I live in Melbourne.

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Post by Java Jawa » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 08:23

During the hours of the dead, it could be anything from going outside to watch the stars [depending on the weather conditions] or insanely levelling my captain in LOTRO.
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Post by Everyones Antihero » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 10:15

Apothos wrote:I'm up because Sheridan just blew a large chunk of Z'ha'dum to kingdom come and the vibrations from the blast knocked some tiles off of my roof.
Sheridan! YOU SHALL NOT PASS! (damn wrong movie)

Kosh: Jump! JUMP NOW!

Frodo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GANDALF! (damn wrong film again!)

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Post by Belgarath » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 10:46

I actually DO work the graveyard shift. That's why I post late night. My hours are from 10:00pm to 8:00am. When the phones stop ringing at around 2:00am, I'm free to do pretty much anything I want as long as it's legal. I'll browse news sites and different discussion forums for a while, then sit back with a book and read a while. I put down the book occasionally and look to see if there are any new posts.
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Post by philip_hughes » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 13:42

used to do an awake night shift...

First few gave me a strange sense of power. Being awake whilst the rest of the continent was sleeping felt kinda good. After a few shifts i was thoroughly sick of it. After a few more I realised that I was taking my life into my own hands. Fell asleep at the wheel on two occasions on the way home. I am very lucky to be alive. Got out of that job, my life is worth quite a lot to me.
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Post by esd » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 14:05

Insomnia, usually.
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Post by The_Rock » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 14:46


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Post by gunman127 » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 15:09

I live in a conservatory, so it's swelteringly hot during most of the day.

I tend to get up at 3PM and game till 6AM, with occasional work in there somewhere....

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Post by mbthegreat » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 15:24

I'm 16..................

(don't get up till early afternoon, for example I have yet to get dressed)

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Post by Maximum476 » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 17:12

Well I'm on lovely flexitime during the day, so I can roll into work at 10am most days then work till 5:30pm, apart from today as there is little work.

Did used to do nights a few years ago, doing data entry 10-6. Now you needed a portable music player doing that otherwise staying awake would be a serious pain. Rather strange leaving work when its dark and in the 30 minute walk it turning to daytime. My god did my bed feel good after doing that, although only being able to get 6 hours sleep and having a headache wasn't good.

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Post by Electric_Kola » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 18:54

Having a 6 hour time delay to talk to your mrs is always a fun one...

Yes, being the genius I am I ended up with a girlfriend in the united states of ameoba...

So that generally means I get woken up at 2-4am by her when she gets home from work to talk, not that I mind but booy talk about screwing up my sleeping patterns

Rest of the time I just spend watching DVDs or playing games, considering working a graveyard shift at tesco to pass the time and get some money :P

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Post by Red Spot » Mon, 2. Jul 07, 19:11

I'm around ... er .. whenever ... 8)

The company I work at runs 24/7, and my department follows a 5-shift plan, meaning I'll work 2 morning-shifts, than 2 day and end with 2 night-shifts.
(than I'll have a weekend of 3.5 days)


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Post by Tsar_of_Cows » Wed, 4. Jul 07, 00:12

The_Rock wrote:Women
Long time no see, Rock.

As for all you people working nights, how did you get back into normal sleeping patterns? I find I can easilly stay up into the early hours and after a few nights, my days just shift round. Changing back however, is a nightmare.

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Post by Maximum476 » Wed, 4. Jul 07, 00:42

Think it just takes time to 'reset the biological alarm clock'. When I break my sleeping pattern I can usually function fine, until it comes to getting up when my body wants more sleep, then it will just keep sleeping regardless of the time of day.

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