Alice's bucket list.

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Alice's bucket list.

Post by felter » Fri, 10. Jun 11, 03:45

If you get upset at heartfelt or a sad story, then go no further than this, just hit your backspace button and ignore this thread.

I don't know if you have heard about Alice and her bucket list, if you haven't read on. To start with, if you don't know what a bucket list is, it is a list of things you wish to do before you die normally made by people who are terminally ill. Now Alice is a 15 year young girl, who is terminally ill from cancer. She has been fighting the disease for nearly 4 years and has just found out she has lost the battle.

Her mother said to her that she should make a bucket list, and post a blog for her friends and relatives to see. But like most things on the internet, a lot more people have now seen her blog than just friends and relatives, she has now turned into a net celebrity.

It is a heart-wrenching story, but due to her putting the bucket list on the net, she will actually get to do some of the things on it that she would never be able to do. For Example: She was meant to be going to see take that this weekend, but due to her health, there was no way she could mix in with a massive crowd of excitable young girls, so it was cancelled. Now it seems like someone from Samsung, who must have something to do with the take that tour has spotted the bucket list, they got in touch with take that's management and they have arranged it for her to get special treatment to go to the concert this weekend.

One of the things she has asked, is for people to volunteer to give bone marrow donations for transplantation. It has turned out that there has been more than a few volunteers for this due to her appeal.

It also looks like more than a few people had offered her money to help out with her bucket list, but she didn't do this for the money and she doesn't want anybody's money. Her little sister Milly though is running the race for life charity run this weekend for cancer research UK, and they have put up a link to the online sponsor sheet, so that if anyone wants to give any money, they can give it to something that needs it. It's quite impressive, they only put it up yesterday with a target of raising £1k, the last time I looked it was up over £10k.

I know this is not much of a conversation piece, but the story got to me, so I wanted to highlight and post it.

Alice's bucket list

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Post by Gavrushka » Fri, 10. Jun 11, 07:23

I read the story and wussed- It is great to see a little humanity left. - Reminds me of a film about a lad who did 'good turns' as a school project or something and the way that good will propagated and how the lives he touched changed for the better.

She's made a difference already.
“Man, my poor head is battered,” Ed said.

“That explains its unusual shape,” Styanar said, grinning openly now. “Although it does little to illuminate just why your jowls are so flaccid or why you have quite so many chins.”

“I…” Had she just called him fat? “I am just a different species, that’s all.”

“Well nature sure does have a sense of humour then,” Styanar said. “Shall we go inside? It’d not be a good idea for me to be spotted by others.”

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Post by The_Rock » Fri, 10. Jun 11, 16:16

A touching story.

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Post by TBV » Fri, 10. Jun 11, 19:29

Thanks for that felter.

I've had a crap week and been in a foul mood, with my own personal thunder-cloud
following me about.

That story has made me feel like the world I live in really does have it's good bits. And that the people I share it with can be capable of some quite beautiful acts.

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Post by felter » Sun, 13. Jan 13, 21:51

I know this is a bit of an old thread that I started a long time ago, but it's relevant. I just wanted to say the girl who this thread was about sadly passed away from her cancer yesterday and I just wanted to use this old thread to say so.

R.I.P. Alice.
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