Have you a true story to tell?

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Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Thu, 14. Nov 02, 17:52

Just to slightly change the subject, Silent I like that sig of yours. Very philosofical

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Post by kite » Thu, 14. Nov 02, 18:00

hi patricia

my wife is headed your way next friday to see her sister. whats the chances of her being abducted. :D

Deleted User

Post by Deleted User » Thu, 14. Nov 02, 19:28

Myself and three friends drove to london from glasgow for a long weekend.

On the return journey the two in the back of the car fell asleep (none of us slept much over the weekend) i was sitting in the front passenger seat with the sole purpose of keeping the driver awake with chat.

I fell asleep, next, the driver then fell asleep so there we were flying along at approx 85 mph on the motorway all sound asleep!

Then we woke up rather abruptly......you can imagine the picture. 8)

BTW remember to set your alarm clock if you go to sleep when driving. 8)

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Post by Reverend_Vader » Thu, 14. Nov 02, 19:50

I was driving back from a rave (as they were called in them days :) )
the problem was I'd had 2 LSD tablets and a shed load of amphetamines

As i was going down the motorway i could see what appeared to be a large church slap bang in the middle of the carrageway.

I knew it was the lsd but the fear that came over me was unbelievable.

I gathered my nerve and drove strait through the church.

You wouldn't believe how real it felt!

I thought thank god for that (if you pardon the pun) and carried on driving a little slower.

To my horror a couple of minutes later I watched 2 old ladies walk from the hard shoulder to the middle lane and lie down.

I even remember one was carrying the trademark old ladies shopping bag!

At this point I pulled over the car and let my mate drive.


Deleted User

Post by Deleted User » Thu, 14. Nov 02, 20:52

XX Thanks guys for your contributions. some of your stories are really worth reading. As for some of the treads, "Oh that itch is back".
Here are two more.
about six months ago when sitting outside having my lunch we overheard two school students talking they were laughing a lot and saying what fun in was putting silly threads in web forums and boards.
THeir laughter was about the reactions they got.
One boasted that he had just joined his 34th forum.
These two students now dont have access to the school computers.

I was free diving( in about 35ft of water) a couple of years ago at Island Bay Wellington off Goat Island south coast. Saw an octipus and shot it but it wouldnt let go of this rock . i ran out of air so I had to let my speargun go (spear is attached to gun with line).
went back down with fresh lot of air to collect my prize and speargun
all was gone . I always carry a knife now when diving.

tomorrow please would someone remind me about the Electric fence story. (A bit O humour but true)

Deleted User

Post by Deleted User » Thu, 14. Nov 02, 21:56

Was hoping 2 hear a story from Chimpster2000 and cappedup.
But never mind
I think I know why they havent .
does anyone else have an any ideas why.

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Post by Mercenary » Fri, 15. Nov 02, 08:55

I could post a few stories including brief instances of deja-vu that I had when I was much younger.

However about three years ago myself and a friend set ourselves a little challenge to drive across Canada, the cheapest way however was to fly into and out of the same airport. So with two weeks holiday we landed in Toronto, drove to Vancouver (pacific), and went back across the country to Halifax (Atlantic,where I dropped in on a few relations) before driving back to Toronto. Total distance over 8000 miles (crossing 5 time zones each way) in 14 days, now petrol over there is about half what we pay in the UK and the total fuel bill was over 600 quid.

Now what we did discover on the first night after landing is Niagra Falls is floodlit. Until midnight when, as we found out first hand, they switch them off. The most sombering moment was again on the first night, when as I was driving down this road through nowhere, saw a house not far from the road. Now there must have been a party going on as it was soon apparent there were teenage kids strolling across the road at 3am, in a place where there's no streetlighing.

A mile or so further on there was the inevitable hazard lights and a number of taxis stopped, a police car turns up all blue flashing lights, and yep there's a trainer just beside the SUV we've hired, and a little bit further down the road a pair of feet sticking out from under a blanket.

Now what needs to be appreciated is the house was in the middle of nowhere with nothing else visible for miles in any direction, so why this kid was walking down the road I cannot guess...


Post by Guest » Sun, 17. Nov 02, 00:06

this is not a personal experience.
But couldn't resist. I think Firebird wil find it particularly interesting.

Taken from --- California Examiner March 1998.---

-------------SO YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD A BAD DAY.--------

Fire authorities in California found a corpse in a burnt out section of a forest while accessing the damage done by the forest fire, complete with scuba tanks on his back, flippers and face mask.
a post-mortem revealed that the person died not from burns but from massive internal injuries. Dental records provided a positive identification. Investigators then set about to determine how a fully clad diver ended up in the middle of a forest fire. It was revealed that on the day of the fire, the person went diving off the coast some 20 miles from the forest. the firefighters seeking to control the fire as quickly as possible,called in a fleet of helicopters with very large dip buckets. water was dipped from the coast and then flown to the forest fire and emptied.

One minute our diver was making like Flipper in the Pacific,the next he was doing breaststroke in a fire dip bucket 300 feet in the air.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.

Deleted User

Post by Deleted User » Sun, 17. Nov 02, 00:10

Sorry the above story was put there by me. I forgot 2 log in.
Hope everyone is well,

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Post by Chimpster2000 » Sun, 17. Nov 02, 14:00

Patricia wrote:Was hoping 2 hear a story from Chimpster2000 and cappedup.
But never mind
I think I know why they havent .
does anyone else have an any ideas why.
Because its boring?

Here's a story then.

I clipped my toe nails and then washed my hair.

Thank you, I'm here all week!
"Life is like a hot bath, the longer you stay in it, the more wrinkly you get."

Deleted User

Post by Deleted User » Sun, 17. Nov 02, 14:24

. 8)

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